Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pick Your Battles

Recently I was going to a local grocery store to pick up some lunch.  The parking lot has angled parking, so it is basically one-way driving down the row.  I noticed a front spot open, but I needed to go down the one row to come back up the other to get it.  It was easily my spot until a small white sedan whipped around the wrong way to fit into it.  It was such an impossible turn that the car needed to reverse a couple times to straighten up so it wouldn't hit the vehicle next to it nor the big curb on the other side.

I was furious at this driver.  I purposely was stopped right by them so I could see the drivers face.  It was a little awkward because there were two people in the car and they were not getting out.  I was impatient and drove over to the next aisle and found something much further away.  By the time I got out I saw the two people and if I didn't know better I could tell they were looking right at me.  Did they know what they did wrong?  Did they think I was the one at fault?

For reasons that only I can contribute to God, a voice spoke to me telling me to pick my battles wisely.  I was still very mad, but I started to reason with my conscience why in the world was that spot so important to me?  And why was I getting so mad about it?  I remembered John 15:12 "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."  There are things that us Christians should speak up about.  Injustices are being done everyday.  It comes down to me if my battles are going to glorify God or denigrate Him.

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